Integrated Polaritonics

An international research activity of state-of-the-art experimental laboratories
and theoretical modelling

Polariton Spintronics

In this project we investigate the fundamental properties of spinor polariton condensates towards polariton circuits. We aim to develop the toolbox for all-optical writing of polariton circuits on planar microcavities and utilize the spin of polaritons in configuration that bear applications in all optical switching, optical routing, and volatile optical memory components. 

Key researchers: 

Dr Sergey Alyatkin, Dr Ivan Gnusov, Dr Stepan Baryshev, Natalia Starkova, Andrei Bulavin

Title: "Observation of spin precession resonance in a stirred quantum fluid of light"

Authors: I. Gnusov, S. Baryshev, H. Sigurđsson, K. Sitnik, J.D. Töpfer, S. Alyatkin, and P.G. Lagoudakis

Title: "Occupancy-driven Zeeman suppression and inversion in trapped polariton condensates"

Authors: K. Sawicki, D. Dovzhenko, Y. Wang, T. Cookson, H. Sigurðsson, and P. G. Lagoudakis 

Title: "Vortex clusters in a stirred polariton condensate"

Authors: I. Gnusov, S. Harrison, S. Alyatkin, K. Sitnik, H. Sigurdsson, P. G. Lagoudakis 

Title: "Directional planar antennae in polariton condensates"

Authors: D. Aristov, S. Baryshev, J.D. Töpfer, H. Sigurðsson, P.G. Lagoudakis  

Title: "Polariton vortex Chern insulator" (INVITED)

Authors: S. L. Harrison, A. Nalitov, P. G. Lagoudakis, H. Sigurðsson

Title: "Quantum vortex formation in the “rotating bucket” experiment with polariton condensates"

Authors: I. Gnusov, S. Alyatkin, K. Sitnik, J. Töpfer, H. Sigurdsson, and P. G. Lagoudakis

Title: "Persistent Self-Induced Larmor Precession Evidenced through Periodic Revivals of Coherence"

Authors: H. Sigurdsson, I. Gnusov, S. Alyatkin, L. Pickup, N. A. Gippius, P. G. Lagoudakis, and A. Askitopoulos

Title: "Spontaneous formation of time-periodic vortex cluster in nonlinear fluids of light"

Authors: K. A. Sitnik, S. Alyatkin, J. D. Töpfer, I. Gnusov, T. Cookson, H. Sigurdsson, and P. G. Lagoudakis

Title: "Polariton condensates for classical and quantum computing"

Authors: A. Kavokin, T.C.H. Liew, C. Schneider, P.G. Lagoudakis, S. Klembt, S. Hoefling 

Title: "Engineering photon statistics in a spinor polariton condensate"

Authors: S. Baryshev, A. Zasedatelev, H. Sigurdsson, I. Gnusov, J. D. Töpfer, A. Askitopoulos, and P. G. Lagoudakis

Title: "Reservoir optics with exciton-polariton condensates"

Authors: Y. Wang, H. Sigurdsson, J. D. Töpfer, and PG Lagoudakis

Title: "All-Optical Linear-Polarization Engineering in Single and Coupled Exciton-Polariton Condensates"

Authors: I. Gnusov, H. Sigurdsson, J. D. Töpfer, S. Baryshev, S. Alyatkin, and P. G. Lagoudakis

Title: "Coherent phonon detection gated by transient spin-polarized electrons"

Authors: C. Li, R. T. Harley, P. G. Lagoudakis, O. B. Wright, O. Matsuda

Title: "Geometric frustration in polygons of polariton condensates creating vortices of varying topological charge"

Authors: T. Cookson, K. Kalinin, H. Sigurdsson, J. D. Töpfer, S. Alyatkin, M. Silva, W. Langbein, N. G. Berloff, and P. G. Lagoudakis

Title: "Multiply charged vortex states of polariton condensates"

Authors: S. N. Alperin, N. G. Berloff

Title: "Optical orientation, polarization pinning, and depolarization dynamics in optically confined polariton condensates"

Authors: I. Gnusov, H. Sigurdsson, S. Baryshev, T. Ermatov, A. Askitopoulos, and P. G. Lagoudakis

Authors: S. N. Alperin and N. G. Berloff

Title: "Coherence Revivals of a Spinor Polariton Condensate from Self-induced Larmor Precession"

Authors: A. Askitopoulos, H. Sigurdsson, I. Gnusov, S. Alyatkin, L. Pickup, N. A. Gippius, and P. G. Lagoudakis

Title: "Spontaneous Rotation, Multiply Charged Vortices, and the Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability in Nonconservative Trapped Bose Condensates"

Authors: S. N. Alperin and N. G. Berloff

Title: "Giant increase of temporal coherence in optically trapped polariton condensate"

Authors: A. Askitopoulos, L. Pickup, S. Alyatkin, A. Zasedatelev, K. G. Lagoudakis, W. Langbein, and P. G. Lagoudakis

Title: "All-optical quantum fluid spin beam splitter"

Authors: A. Askitopoulos, A. V. Nalitov, E. S. Sedov, L. Pickup, E. D. Cherotchenko, Z. Hatzopoulos, P. G. Savvidis, A. V. Kavokin, and P. G. Lagoudakis

Title: "Optical bistability under non-resonant excitation in spinor polariton condensates"

Authors: L. Pickup, K. Kalinin, A. Askitopoulos, Z. Hatzopoulos, P. G. Savvidis, N. G. Berloff, and P. G. Lagoudakis, 

Title: "Bosonic cascades of indirect excitons"

Authors: A.V. Nalitov, S. De Liberato, P.G. Lagoudakis, P.G. Savvidis, and A.V. Kavokin

Title: "Giant vortices of controlled multiplicity in polariton lattices"

Authors: K. Kalinin, M. Silva, J. D. Töpfer, W. Langbein, N. G. Berloff, and P. G. Lagoudakis

Title: "Nonresonant optical control of a spinor polariton condensate"

Authors: A. Askitopoulos, K. Kalinin, T.C.H. Liew, P. Cilibrizzi, Z. Hatzopoulos, P.G. Savvidis, N. G. Berloff, and P.G. Lagoudakis.

Title: "Half-skyrmion spin textures in polariton microcavities"

Authors: P. Cilibrizzi, H. Sigurdsson, T.C.H. Liew, H. Ohadi, A. Askitopoulos, S. Brodbeck, C. Schneider, I. A Shelykh, S. Höfling, J. Ruostekoski, and P.G. Lagoudakis

Title: "Lasing in Bose-Fermi mixtures"

Authors: V.P. Kochereshko, M.V. Durnev, L. Besombes, H. Mariette, V.F. Sapega, A. Askitopoulos, I.G. Savenko, T.C.H. Liew, I.A. Shelykh, A.V. Platonov, S.I. Tsintzos, Z. Hatzopoulos, P.G. Savvidis, V.K. Kalevich, M.M. Afanasiev, V.A. Lukoshkin, C. Schneider, M. Amthor, C. Metzger, M. Kamp, S. Hoefling, P.G. Lagoudakis, and A. Kavokin

Title: "Polariton Spin Whirls"

Authors: P. Cilibrizzi, H. Sigurdsson, T.C.H. Liew, H. Ohadi, S. Wilkinson, A. Askitopoulos, I.A. Shelykh, and P.G. Lagoudakis.

Title: "Robust platform for engineering pure-quantum-state transitions in polariton condensates"

Authors: A. Askitopoulos, T.C.H. Liew, H. Ohadi, Z. Hatzopoulos, P.G. Savvidis, and P.G. Lagoudakis

Title: "Spin noise spectroscopy of a single quantum well microcavity”

Author(s): S.V. Poltavtsev, I.I. Ryzhov, M.M. Glazov, G.G. Kozlov, V.S. Zapasskii, A.V. Kavokin, P.G. Lagoudakis, D.S. Smirnov, and E.L. Ivchenko

Title: "Optics of spin-noise-induced gyrotropy of an asymmetric microcavity"

Author(s): S.V. Poltavtsev, I.I. Ryzhov, R.V. Cherbunin, A.V. Mikhailov, N.E. Kopteva, G.G. Kozlov, K.V. Kavokin, V.S. Zapasskii, P.G. Lagoudakis, and A.V. Kavokin

Title: "Polariton condensation in an optically induced two-dimensional potential"

Author(s): A. Askitopoulos, H. Ohadi, A.V. Kavokin, Z. Hatzopoulos, P.G. Savvidis, and P.G. Lagoudakis

 Title: "Nonlinear optical spin Hall effect and long-range spin transport in polariton lasers"

Author(s): E. Kammann, T.C.H. Liew, H. Ohadi, P. Cilibrizzi, P. Tsotsis, Z. Hatzopoulos, P.G. Savvidis, A.V. Kavokin, P.G. Lagoudakis

Title: "Spontaneous symmetry breaking in a polariton and photon laser"

Author(s): H. Ohadi, E. Kammann, T.C.H. Liew, K.G. Lagoudakis, A.V. Kavokin, P.G. Lagoudakis

Title: "Optical analogue of the spin Hall effect in a photonic cavity"

Author(s): M. Maragkou, C. E. Richards, T. Ostatnický, A.J.D. Grundy, J. Zajac, M. Hugues, W. Langbein, and P.G. Lagoudakis