
Full publication list:


Title: "Antiferromagnetic Ising model in a triangular vortex lattice of quantum fluids of light"

Authors: S. Alyatkin, C. Milián, Y.V. Kartashov, K.A. Sitnik, I. Gnusov, J.D. Töpfer, H. Sigurđsson, P.G. Lagoudakis

Title: "Observation of spin precession resonance in a stirred quantum fluid of light"

Authors: I. Gnusov, S. Baryshev, H. Sigurđsson, K. Sitnik, J.D. Töpfer, S. Alyatkin, and P.G. Lagoudakis

Title: "Photon statistics of organic polariton condensates"

Authors: A.D. Putintsev, A.V. Zasedatelev, V.Yu. Shishkov, M.Misko, D.A. Sannikov, E.S. Andrianov, Yu.E. Lozovik, U. Scherf, and P.G. Lagoudakis

Title: "Room temperature, cascadable, all-optical polariton universal gates"

Authors: D.A. Sannikov, A.V. Baranikov, A.D. Putintsev, M. Misko, A.V. Zasedatelev, U. Scherf & P.G. Lagoudakis

Title: "Light-matter coupling and spin-orbit interaction of polariton modes in liquid crystal optical microcavities"

Authors: E. S. Sedov, M. M. Glazov, P. G. Lagoudakis, and A. V. Kavokin

Title: "Control of the oscillation frequency of a vortex cluster in the trapped polariton condensate"

Authors: K.A. Sitnik, I. Gnusov, M. Misko, J.D. Töpfer, S. Alyatkin, P.G. Lagoudakis

Title: "Occupancy-driven Zeeman suppression and inversion in trapped polariton condensates"

Authors: K. Sawicki, D. Dovzhenko, Y. Wang, T. Cookson, H. Sigurðsson, and P. G. Lagoudakis 

Title: "Vortex clusters in a stirred polariton condensate"

Authors: I. Gnusov, S. Harrison, S. Alyatkin, K. Sitnik, H. Sigurdsson, P. G. Lagoudakis 

Title: "All-optical triangular and honeycomb lattices of exciton–polaritons"

Authors: S. Alyatkin, H. Sigurðsson, Ya.V. Kartashov, I. Gnusov, K. Sitnik, J.D. Töpfer, P.G. Lagoudakis


Title: "Controlling the Spatial Profile and Energy Landscape of Organic Polariton Condensates in Double-Dye Cavities"

Authors: A. D. Putintsev, K. E. McGhee, D. Sannikov, A. V. Zasedatelev, J. D. Töpfer, T. Jessewitsch, U. Scherf, D. G. Lidzey, P. G. Lagoudakis

Title: "Next-nearest-neighbor coupling with spinor polariton condensates"

Authors:  D. Dovzhenko, D. Aristov, L. Pickup, H. Sigurðsson, P. Lagoudakis

Title: "Directional planar antennae in polariton condensates"

Authors: D. Aristov, S. Baryshev, J.D. Töpfer, H. Sigurðsson, P.G. Lagoudakis  

Title: "Polariton vortex Chern insulator" (INVITED)

Authors: S. L. Harrison, A. Nalitov, P. G. Lagoudakis, H. Sigurðsson

Title: "Optically driven spin precession in polariton condensates"

Authors: I. Gnusov, S. Baryshev, H. Sigurðsson, K. Sitnik, J. Töpfer, S. Alyatkin, P. G. Lagoudakis

Title: "Ultrafast optical control of polariton energy in an organic semiconductor microcavity"

Authors: K.E. McGhee, M. Guizzardi, R. Jayaprakash, K. Georgiou, T. Jessewitsch , U. Scherf , G. Cerullo, A. Zasedatelev, T. Virgili, P.G. Lagoudakis, and D.G. Lidzey 

Title: "Quantum vortex formation in the “rotating bucket” experiment with polariton condensates"

Authors: I. Gnusov, S. Alyatkin, K. Sitnik, J. Töpfer, H. Sigurdsson, and P. G. Lagoudakis

Title: "Minor embedding with Stuart-Landau oscillator networks"

Authors: S. L. Harrison, H. Sigurdsson, and P. G. Lagoudakis


Title: "Enhanced coupling between ballistic exciton-polariton condensates through tailored pumping"

Authors: Y. Wang, P. G. Lagoudakis, and H. Sigurdsson

Title: "Electrically tunable Berry curvature and strong light-matter coupling in birefringent perovskite microcavities at room temperature"

Authors: K. Łempicka-Mirek, M. Król, H. Sigurdsson, A. Wincukiewicz, P. Morawiak, R. Mazur, M. Muszyński, W. Piecek, P. Kula, T. Stefaniuk, M. Kamińska, L. De Marco, P. G. Lagoudakis, D. Ballarini, D. Sanvitto, J. Szczytko, B. Piętka 

Title: "Persistent Self-Induced Larmor Precession Evidenced through Periodic Revivals of Coherence"

Authors: H. Sigurdsson, I. Gnusov, S. Alyatkin, L. Pickup, N. A. Gippius, P. G. Lagoudakis, and A. Askitopoulos

Title: "Annihilation of exceptional points from different Dirac valleys in a 2D photonic system"

Authors: M. Król, I. Septembre, P. Oliwa, M. Kędziora, K. Łempicka-Mirek, M. Muszyński, R. Mazur, P. Morawiak, W. Piecek, P. Kula, W. Bardyszewski, P. G. Lagoudakis, D. D. Solnyshkov, G. Malpuech, B. Piętka and J. Szczytko

Title: "All-optical artificial vortex matter in quantum fluids of light"

Authors: S. Alyatkin, C. Milian, Y. V. Kartashov, K. A. Sitnik, J. D. Topfer, H. Sigurdsson, P. G. Lagoudakis

Title: "Spontaneous formation of time-periodic vortex cluster in nonlinear fluids of light"

Authors: K. A. Sitnik, S. Alyatkin, J. D. Töpfer, I. Gnusov, T. Cookson, H. Sigurdsson, and P. G. Lagoudakis

Title: "Polariton condensates for classical and quantum computing"

Authors: A. Kavokin, T. C. H. Liew, C. Schneider, P. G. Lagoudakis, S. Klembt, S. Hoefling  

Title: "Screening nearest-neighbor interactions in networks of exciton-polariton condensates through spin orbit coupling"

Authors: D. Aristov, H. Sigurdsson, P. G. Lagoudakis

Title: "Solving the max-3-cut problem using synchronized dissipative networks"

Authors: S. L. Harrison, H. Sigurdsson, S. Alyatkin, J. D. Töpfer, and P. G. Lagoudakis

Title: "Engineering photon statistics in a spinor polariton condensate"

Authors: S. Baryshev, A. Zasedatelev, H. Sigurdsson, I. Gnusov, J. D. Töpfer, A. Askitopoulos, and P. G. Lagoudakis

Title: "Exact Analytical Solution for the Density Matrix of a Nonequilibrium Polariton Bose-Einstein Condensate"

Authors: V. Y. Shishkov, E. S. Andrianov, A. V. Zasedatelev, P. G. Lagoudakis, and Y. E. Lozovik

Title: "Realizing Persistent-Spin-Helix Lasing in the Regime of Rashba-Dresselhaus Spin-Orbit Coupling in a Dye-Filled Liquid-Crystal Optical Microcavity"

Authors: M. Muszyński, M. Król, K. Rechcińska, P. Oliwa, M. Kędziora, K. Łempicka-Mirek, R. Mazur, P. Morawiak, W. Piecek, P. Kula, P. G. Lagoudakis, B. Piętka, and J. Szczytko


Title: "Reservoir optics with exciton-polariton condensates"

Authors: Y. Wang, H. Sigurdsson, J. D. Töpfer, and PG Lagoudakis

Title: "Realizing Optical Persistent Spin Helix and Stern-Gerlach Deflection in an Anisotropic Liquid Crystal Microcavity"

Authors: M.Król, K. Rechcińska, H. Sigurdsson, P. Oliwa, R. Mazur, P. Morawiak, W. Piecek, P. Kula, P. Lagoudakis, M. Matuszewski, W. Bardyszewski, B. Piętka, and J. Szczytko

Title: "Polariton condensation in an organic microcavity utilising a hybrid metal-DBR mirror"

Authors: K. E. McGhee, A. Putintsev, R. Jayaprakash, K. Georgiou, M. E. O’Kane, R. C. Kilbride, E. J. Cassella, M. Cavazzini, D. A. Sannikov, P. G. Lagoudakis, and D. G. Lidzey

Title: "Single-photon nonlinearity at room temperature"

Authors: A. V. Zasedatelev, A. V. Baranikov, D. Sannikov, D. Urbonas, F. Scafirimuto, V. Y. Shishkov, E. S. Andrianov, Y. E. Lozovik, U. Scherf, T. Stöferle, R. F. Mahrt, P. G. Lagoudakis

Title: "Quantum fluids of light in all-optical scatterer lattices"

Authors: S. Alyatkin, H. Sigurdsson, A. Askitopoulos, J. D. Töpfer, and P. G. Lagoudakis

Title: "All-Optical Linear-Polarization Engineering in Single and Coupled Exciton-Polariton Condensates"

Authors: I. Gnusov, H. Sigurdsson, J. D. Töpfer, S. Baryshev, S. Alyatkin, and P. G. Lagoudakis

Title: "Coherent phonon detection gated by transient spin-polarized electrons"

Authors: C. Li, R. T. Harley, P. G. Lagoudakis, O. B. Wright, O. Matsuda

Title: "Nonlinear dynamics of the energy landscape in Frenkel exciton-polariton condensates"

Authors: A. Zasedatelev, D. Sannikov, T. Yagafarov, A. Putintsev, K. Georgiou, D. Lidzey, and P. Lagoudakis

Title: "Quasi-steady state exciton-polariton condensation in organic microcavities"

Authors: A. Putintsev, A. Zasedatelev, K. McGhee, T. Cookson, K. Georgiou, D. Sannikov, D. Lidzey, and P. Lagoudakis

Title: "Geometric frustration in polygons of polariton condensates creating vortices of varying topological charge"

Authors: T. Cookson, K. Kalinin, H. Sigurdsson, J. D. Töpfer, S. Alyatkin, M. Silva, W. Langbein, N. G. Berloff, and P. G. Lagoudakis

Title: "Polariton spin jets through optical control "

Authors: L. Pickup, J. D. Töpfer, H. Sigurdsson, and P. G. Lagoudakis 

Title: "Optically controlled polariton condensate molecules"

Authors: E. D. Cherotchenko, H. Sigurdsson, A. Askitopoulos, and A. V. Nalitov

Title: "Laser printed two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides"

Authors: O. A. Abbas, A. H. Lewis, N. Aspiotis, Ch. Huang, I. Zeimpekis, D. W Hewak, P. Sazio, and S. Mailis

Title: "Photonic Berry curvature in double liquid crystal microcavities with broken inversion symmetry"

Authors: P. Kokhanchik, H. Sigurdsson, B. Piętka, J. Szczytko, and P.  Lagoudakis

Title: "Observation of second order meron polarisation textures in optical microcavities"

Authors: M. Król, H. Sigurdsson, K. Rechcińska, P. Oliwa, K. Tyszka, W. Bardyszewski, A. Opala, M. Matuszewski, P. Morawiak, R. Mazur, W. Piecek, P. Kula, B. Piętka, J. Szczytko, and P.  Lagoudakis

Title: "High symmetry nano-photonic quasi-crystals providing novel light management in silicon solar cells"

Authors: T. M. Mercier, T. Rahman, Ch. Krishnan, E. Khorani, P. J. Shaw, M. E. Pollard, S. A. Boden, M. DB Charlton, and P.  Lagoudakis

Title: "Exciton radiative lifetime in a monoatomic carbon chain"

Authors: S. Kutrovskaya, S. Demirchyan, A. Osipov, S. Baryshev, A. Zasedatelev, P. Lagoudakis, A. Kavokin

Title: "Engineering spatial coherence in lattices of polariton condensates"

Authors: J. D. Töpfer, I. Chatzopoulos, H. Sigurdsson, T. Cookson, Y. G. Rubo, and P. G. Lagoudakis

Title: "Exciton energy spectra in polyyne chains"

Authors: S. Kutrovskaya, S. Demirchyan, A. Osipov, S. Baryshev, A. Zasedatelev, P. Lagoudakis, A. Kavokin


Title: "Laser processed semiconductors for integrated photonic devices" 

Authors: A. Peacock, S. J. MacFarquhar, Y. Franz, A. Runge, S. Mailis, S. Oo, V. Mittal, H. Chong, O. Aktaş

Title: "Optically Reconfigurable Graphene/Metal Metasurface on Fe:LiNbO3 for Adaptive THz Optics" 

Authors: J. Gorecki, N. Klokkou, L. Piper, S. Mailis, N. Papasimakis, V. Apostolopoulos

Title: "Silicon erasable waveguides and directional couplers by germanium ion implantation for configurable photonic circuits" 

Authors: X. Chen, M. M. Milosevic, A. FJ Runge, X. Yu, A. Z. Khokhar, S.s Mailis, D. J. Thomson, A. C. Peacock, S. Saito, G. T. Reed

Title: "Solution-Based Synthesis of Few-Layer WS 2 Large Area Continuous Films for Electronic Applications" 

Authors: O. A. Abbas, I. Zeimpekis, H. Wang, A. H. Lewis, N. P. Sessions, M. Ebert, N. Aspiotis, Ch.-Ch. Huang, D.l Hewak, S. Mailis, P. Sazio

Title: "FIB-SEM Investigation of Laser-Induced Periodic Surface Structures and Conical Surface Microstructures on D16T (AA2024-T4) Alloy" 

Authors: I. A. Salimon, S. Mailis, A. I. Salimon, E. Skupnevskiy, S. A. Lipovskikh, I. Shakhova, A. V. Novikov, T. F. Yagafarov, A. M. Korsunsky

Title: "High-precision THz-TDS via self-referenced transmission echo method" 

Authors: J. Gorecki, L. Piper, A. Noual, S. Mailis, N. Papasimakis, V. Apostolopoulos

Title: "Lotka-Volterra population dynamics in coherent and tunable oscillators of trapped polariton condensates"

Authors: J. D. Töpfer, H. Sigurdsson, S. Alyatkin, and P. G. Lagoudakis

Title: "Simulating the spectral gap with polariton graphs"

Authors: K. Kalinin, P. G. Lagoudakis, and N. G. Berloff

Title: "Multispectral sensing of biological liquids with hollow-core microstructured optical fibres"

Authors: T. Ermatov, R. E. Noskov, A. A. Machnev, I. Gnusov, V. Аtkin, E. N. Lazareva, S. V. German, S. S. Kosolobov, T. S. Zatsepin, O. V. Sergeeva, J. S. Skibina, P.Ginzburg, V. V. Tuchin, D. A. Gorin, and P. G. Lagoudakis 

Title: "Nano-second exciton-polariton lasing in organic microcavities"

Authors: A. Putintsev, A. Zasedatelev, K. McGhee, T. Cookson, K. Georgiou, D. Sannikov, D. Lidzey, and P. Lagoudakis

Title: "Optical orientation, polarization pinning, and depolarization dynamics in optically confined polariton condensates"

Authors: I. Gnusov, H. Sigurdsson, S. Baryshev, T. Ermatov, A. Askitopoulos, and P. G. Lagoudakis

Title: "Optically tunable photonic band gap with polariton condensates"

Authors: A. Askitopoulos, S. Alyatkin, K. Sitnik, and P. G. Lagoudakis

Title: "Pseudo-spin destabilization in optically confined exciton-polariton condensates"

Authors: I. Gnusov, H. Sigurdsson, S. Baryshev, A. Askitopoulos, and P. G. Lagoudakis

Title: "Detecting Spatially Incoherent Light with Plasmonic Metasurfaces"

Authors: T. Frank, O. Buchnev, T. Cookson, M. Kaczmarek, V. A. Fedotovs, and P. G. Lagoudakis

Title: "Synthetic band-structure engineering in polariton crystals with non-Hermitian topological phases"

Authors: L. Pickup, H. Sigurdsson, J. Ruostekoski, and P. G. Lagoudakis

Title: "Excitonic Fine Structure in Emission of Linear Carbon Chains"

Authors: S. Kutrovskaya, A. Osipov, S. Baryshev, A. Zasedatelev, V. Samyshkin, S. Demirchyan, O. Pulci, D. Grassano, L. Gontrani, R. Hartmann, M. Portnoi, A. Kucherik, P. Lagoudakis, and A. Kavokin

Title: "Coherence Revivals of a Spinor Polariton Condensate from Self-induced Larmor Precessssion"

Authors: A. Askitopoulos, H. Sigurdsson, I. Gnusov, S. Alyatkin, L. Pickup, N. A. Gippius, and P. G. Lagoudakis

Title: "Optical control of couplings in polariton condensate lattices"

Authors: S. Alyatkin, J. Toepfer, A. Askitopoulos, H. Sigurdsson, and P. G.  Lagoudakis

Title: "All-optical cascadable universal logic gate with sub-picosecond operation"

Authors: A. Baranikov, A. Zasedatelev, D. Urbonas, F. Scafirimuto, U. Scherf, T. Stöferle, R. Mahrt, and P. Lagoudakis

Title: "Synchronization in optically trapped polariton Stuart-Landau networks"

Authors: S. L. Harrison, H.Sigurdsson, and P. G. Lagoudakis

Title: "Mechanisms of blueshifts in organic polariton condensates"

Authors: T. Yagafarov, D. Sannikov, A. Zasedatelev, K. Georgiou, A. Baranikov, O. Kyriienko, I. Shelykh, L. Gai, Z. Shen, D. Lidzey, and P. Lagoudakis

Title: "Time-delay polaritonics"

Authors: J. D. Töpfer, H. Sigurdsson, L. Pickup, and P. G. Lagoudakis 

Title: "Charge transfer excitons in a donor–acceptor amphidynamic crystal: the role of dipole orientational order"

Authors: J. WR Macdonald, G. Piana, M. Comin, E. Von Hauff, G. Kociok-Köhn, C. Bowen, P. Lagoudakis, G. D'avino, E. Da Como


Title: "Giant increase of temporal coherence in optically trapped polariton condensate"

Authors: A. Askitopoulos, L. Pickup, S. Alyatkin, A. Zasedatelev, K. G. Lagoudakis, W. Langbein, and P. G. Lagoudakis

Title: "Engineering spin-orbit synthetic Hamiltonians in liquid-crystal optical cavities"

Authors: K. Rechcińska, M. Król, R. Mazur, P. Morawiak, R. Mirek, K. Łempicka, W. Bardyszewski, M. Matuszewski, P. Kula, W. Piecek, P. G. Lagoudakis, B. Piętka, and J. Szczytko

Title: "A room-temperature organic polariton transistor"

Authors: A. V. Zasedatelev, A. V. Baranikov, D. Urbonas, F. Scafirimuto, U. Scherf, T. Stöferle, R. F. Mahrt, and P. G. Lagoudakis

Title: "Room Temperature Broadband Polariton Lasing from a Dye‐Filled Microcavity"

Authors: D. Sannikov, T. Yagafarov, K. Georgiou, A. Zasedatelev, A. Baranikov, L. Gai, Z. Shen, D. Lidzey, and P. G. Lagoudakis

Title: "High-Energy Optical Transitions and Optical Constants of CH3NH3PbI3 Measured by Spectroscopic Ellipsometry and Spectrophotometry"

Authors: C. G. Bailey, G. M. Piana, and P. G. Lagoudakis

Title: "Efficient light harvesting in hybrid quantum dot-interdigitated back contact solar cells via resonant energy transfer and luminescent downshifting"

Authors: C. Krishnan, T. Mercier, T. Rahman, G. Piana, M. Brossard, T. Yagafarov, A. To, M. E. Pollard, P. Shaw, D. M. Bagnall, B. Hoex, St. A. Boden, P. G. Lagoudakisb, and M. D. B. Charlton

Title: "A hybrid organic-inorganic polariton LED"

Authors: R. Jayaprakash, K. Georgiou, H. Coulthard, A. Askitopoulos, S. K. Rajendran, D. M. Coles, A. J. Musser, J. Clark, I. D. W. Samuel, G. A. Turnbull, P. G. Lagoudakis, and D. G. Lidzey

Title: "Photonic micro-structures produced by selective etching of laser-crystallized amorphous silicon"

Authors: G. Martinez-Jimenez, Y. Franz, A.F.J. Runge, M. Ceschia, N. Healy, S.Z. Oo, A. Tarazona, H.M.H. Chong, A.C. Peacock, and S. Mailis

Title: "Experimental and DFT insights of the Zn-doping effects on the visible-light photocatalytic water splitting and dye decomposition over Zn-doped BiOBr photocatalysts"

Authors: J. Guo, X.Liao, M.-H. Lee, G. Hyett, C.-C. Huang, D. W. Hewak, W. Zhou, Z. Jiang, and S. Mailis

Title: "Laser crystallized low-loss polycrystalline silicon waveguides"

Authors: Y. Franz, A.F.J. Runge, S.Z. Oo, G. Jimenez-Martinez, N. Healy, A. Khokhar, A. Tarazona, H.M.H. Chong, S. Mailis, A. C. Peacock

Title: "Discriminating Between Coherent and Incoherent Light with Metasurfaces"

Authors: T. Frank, O. Buchnev, T. Cookson, M. Kaczmarek, V. A. Fedotov, and P. G. Lagoudakis

Title: "A Few-Minute Synthesis of CsPbBr3 Nanolasers with a High Quality Factor by Spraying at Ambient Conditions"

Authors: A.P. Pushkarev, V.I. Korolev, D.I. Markina, F.E. Komissarenko, A. Naujokaitis, A. Drabavičius, V. Pakštas, M. Franckevičius, S.A. Khubezhov, D.A. Sannikov, A.V. Zasedatelev, P.G. Lagoudakis, A. A. Zakhidov and S.V. Makarov


Title: "Optical bistability under non-resonant excitation in spinor polariton condensates"

Authors: L. Pickup, K. Kalinin, A. Askitopoulos, Z. Hatzopoulos, P. G. Savvidis, N. G. Berloff, and P. G. Lagoudakis,

Title: "Generation of Anti-Stokes Fluorescence in a Strongly Coupled Organic Semiconductor Microcavity"

Authors: K. Georgiou, R. Jayaprakash, A. Askitopoulos, D. M. Coles, P. G. Lagoudakis, and D. G. Lidzey

Title: "Generation of Multi-Gigahertz Trains of Phase-Coherent Femtosecond Laser Pulses in Ti:Sapphire Waveguides"

Authors: C. Grivas, R. Ismaeel, C. Corbari, Ch.‐Ch. Huang, D.W. Hewak, P. Lagoudakis, and G. Brambilla

Title: "Tunable optical spin Hall effect in a liquid crystal microcavity"

Authors: K. Lekenta, M. Król, Rafał Mirek, K. Łempicka, D. Stephan, R. Mazur, P. Morawiak, P. Kula, W. Piecek, P. G. Lagoudakis, B. Piętka, and J. Szczytko

Title: "In-Depth Analysis of Excitation Dynamics in Dye-Sensitized Upconversion Core and Core/Active Shell Nanoparticles"

Authors: S. Alyatkin, E. Ureña-Horno, B. Chen, O.L. Muskens, A. G. Kanaras, and P. G. Lagoudakis

Title: "Colloidal Synthesis of CsX Nanocrystals (X = Cl, Br, I)"

Authors: P. J. Shaw, M. Meyns, Y. Zuo, A. Grau-Carbonell, P. G. Lagoudakis, M. DB Charlton, S. Martí-Sánchez, J. Arbiol, A. Cabot, and A. G. Kanaras

Title: "All-optical quantum fluid spin beam splitter"

Authors: A. Askitopoulos, A. V. Nalitov, E. S. Sedov, L. Pickup, E. D. Cherotchenko, Z. Hatzopoulos, P. G. Savvidis, A. V. Kavokin, and P. G. Lagoudakis

Title: "Photonic crystals for optimal color conversion in light-emitting diodes: a semi-analytical approach"

Authors: C. Valagiannopoulos, P. G. Lagoudakis, 

Title: "Exotic states of matter with polariton chains"

Authors: K. Kalinin, P. G. Lagoudakis, and N. G. Berloff

Title: "Matter wave coupling of spatially separated and unequally pumped polariton condensates"

Authors: K. Kalinin, P. G. Lagoudakis, and N. G. Berloff

Title: "Germanium implanted photonic devices for post-fabrication trimming and programmable circuits"

Authors: X. Chen, M. M. Milosevic, X. Yu, B. Chen, A. F. J. Runge, A. Z. Khokhar, S. Mailis, D. J. Thomson, A. C. Peacock, S. Saito, O. L. Muskens, and G. T. Reed

Title: "Towards an optical FPGA - Programmable silicon photonic circuits"

Authors: X. Chen, M. M. Milosevic, A. F. J. Runge, X. Yu, A. Z. Khokhar, S. Mailis, D. J. Thomson, A. C. Peacock, S. Saito, and G. T. Reed

Title: "Optical Gating of Graphene on Photoconductive Fe:LiNbO3"

Authors: J. Gorecki, V. Apostolopoulos, J.-Y. Ou, S. Mailis, and N. Papasimakis

Title: "Intrinsic and photo-induced properties of high refractive index azobenzene based thin films"

Authors: E. Mavrona, S. Mailis, N. Podoliak, G. D’Alessandro, N. Tabiryan, M. Trapatseli, J.-F. Blach, M. Kaczmarek, and V. Apostolopoulos

Title: "Ion Implantation in Silicon for Trimming the Operating Wavelength of Ring Resonators"

Authors: M. M. Milosevic, X. Chen, W. Cao, A. F. J. Runge, Y. Franz, C. G. Littlejohns, S. Mailis, A. C. Peacock, D. J. Thomson, and G. T. Reed


Title: "A Polariton Graph Simulator"

Authors: P. G. Lagoudakis and N.G. Berloff

Title: "Giant vortices of controlled multiplicity in polariton lattices"

Authors: A. N. Hunt, A. Malur, T. Monfort, P. Lagoudakis, S. Mahajan, A. D. Postle, and M. J. Thomassen

Title: "A yellow polariton condensate in a dye filled microcavity"

Authors: T. Cookson, K. Georgiou, A. Zasedatelev, R.T. Grant, T. Virgili, M. Cavazzini, F.Galeotti, C. Clark, N.G. Berloff, D.G. Lidzey, and P.G. Lagoudakis

Title: "Hybrid organic-inorganic polariton laser"

Authors: G.G. Paschos, N. Somaschi, S.I. Tsintzos, D. Coles, J.L. Bricks, Z. Hatzopoulos, D.G. Lidzey, P.G. Lagoudakis, and P.G. Savvidis

Title: "Bosonic cascades of indirect excitons"

Authors: A.V. Nalitov, S. De Liberato, P.G. Lagoudakis, P.G. Savvidis, and A.V. Kavokin

Title: "Collective Optomechanical Effects in Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics"

Authors: E. Cortese, P.G. Lagoudakis, and S. De Liberato

Title: "Realizing the classical XY Hamiltonian in polariton simulators"

Authors: N.G. Berloff, M Silva, K Kalinin, A Askitopoulos, J.D. Töpfer, P Cilibrizzi, W Langbein, and P.G. Lagoudakis

Title: "Measure the Heisenberg interaction in a polariton dyad"

Authors: M. Silva, K. Kalinin, J. D. Töpfer, P. Cilibrizzi, A. Askitopoulos, W. Langbein, N. G. Berloff, and P. G. Lagoudakis

Title: "Post-fabrication phase trimming of Mach–Zehnder interferometers by laser annealing of germanium implanted waveguides"

Authors: X. Chen, M. M. Milosevic, D. J. Thomson, A. Z Khokhar, Y. Franz, A. F. J. Runge, S.Mailis, A. C. Peacock, and G. T. Reed

Title: "Laser annealing of low temperature deposited silicon waveguides"

Authors: Y. Franz, A. F. J. Runge, S. Z. Oo, N. Healy, G. Martinez-Jimenez, A. Z. Khokhar, A. Tarazona, H. M. H. Chong, S. Mailis, and A. C. Peacock

Title: "Design considerations for quasi-phase-matching in doubly resonant lithium niobate hexagonal micro-resonators"

Authors: T. J. Sono, C. Riziotis, S. Mailis, and R. W. Eason

Title: "Laser-induced ferroelectric domain engineering in LiNbO3 crystals using an amorphous silicon overlayer"

Authors: G. Zisis, G. Martinez-Jimenez, Y. Franz, N. Healy, T. M. Masaud, H. M. H. Chong, E. Soergel, A. C. Peacock, and S. Mailis

Title: "Laser annealed low temperature deposited polysilicon waveguides for nonlinear photonics"

Authors: Y. Franz, A. F. J. Runge, S. Z. Oo, N. Healy, G. Martinez-Jimenez, A. Z. Khokhar, A. Tarazona, H. M. H. Chong, S. Mailis, and A. C. Peacock

Title: "Laser writing of polycrystalline Si ridge waveguides"

Authors: G. Martinez-Jimenez, Y. Franz, A. F. J. Runge, M. Ceschia, N. Healy, S. Z. Oo, A. Tarazona, H. M. H. Chong, A. C. Peacock, and S. Mailis

Title: "UV laser‑induced poling inhibition in proton exchanged LiNbO3


Authors: G. Zisis, M. Manzo, K. Gallo, E. Soergel, and S. Mailis


Title: "Plasmon enhanced optical tweezers with gold-coated black silicon"

Authors: D. G. Kotsifaki, M. Kandyla, and P. G. Lagoudakis 

Title: "Lasing in Bose-Fermi mixtures"

Authors: V. P. Kochereshko, M. V. Durnev, L. Besombes, H. Mariette, V. F. Sapega, A. Askitopoulos, I. G. Savenko, T. C. H. Liew, I. A. Shelykh, A. V. Platonov, S. I. Tsintzos, Z. Hatzopoulos, P. G. Savvidis, V. K. Kalevich, M. M. Afanasiev, V. A. Lukoshkin, C. Schneider, M. Amthor, C. Metzger, M. Kamp, S.Hoefling, P. Lagoudakis, and A. Kavokin 

Title: "In-depth analysis of chloride treatments for thin-film CdTe solar cells"

Authors: J. D. Major, M. Al Turkestani, L. Bowen, M. Brossard, C. Li, P. Lagoudakis, S. J. Pennycook, L. J. Phillips, R. E. Treharne, and K. Durose

Title: "Nontrivial Phase Coupling in Polariton Multiplets"

Authors: H. Ohadi, R. L. Gregory, T. Freegarde, Y. G. Rubo, A. V. Kavokin, N. G. Berloff, and P. G. Lagoudakis

Title: "Half-skyrmion spin textures in polariton microcavities"

Authors: P. Cilibrizzi, H. Sigurdsson, T. C. H. Liew, H. Ohadi, A. Askitopoulos, S. Brodbeck, C. Schneider, I. A. Shelykh, S. Höfling, J. Ruostekoski, and P. Lagoudakis

Title: "Exciton-mediated superconductivity"

Authors: A. Kavokin and P. Lagoudakis

Title: "Hybrid photonic crystal light-emitting diode renders 123% color conversion effective quantum yield"

Authors: C. Krishnan, M. Brossard, K-Y Lee, J. K. Huang, C. H. Lin, H. C. Kuo, M. D. B. Charlton, and P. G.  Lagoudakis

Title: "Nonresonant optical control of a spinor polariton condensate"

Authors: A. Askitopoulos, K. Kalinin, T. Chi Hin Liew, P. Cilibrizzi, Z. Hatzopoulos, P. G. Savvidis, N. G. Berloff, and P. G. Lagoudakis

Title: "Laser processing of amorphous Silicon on lithium niobate for photonic applications"

Authors: S. Mailis, G. M. Jimenez, G. Zisis, Y. Franz, N. Healy, D. Grech, H. Chong, and A. Peacock

Title: "Erratum: “Enhanced electro-optic response in domain-engineered LiNbO3 channel waveguides”

Authors: G. Zisis, C. Y. J. Ying, P. Ganguly, C. L. Sones, E. Soergel, R. W. Eason, and S. Mailis

Title: "Crystalline core silicon fibers for optoelectronic applications"

Authors: A. C. Peacock, N. Healy, F. H. Suhailin, S. Mailis, J. Ballato, and U. J. Gibson

Title: "Enhanced electro-optic response in domain-engineered LiNbO3 channel waveguides"

Authors: G. Zisis, C. Y. J. Ying, P. Ganguly, C. L. Sones, E. Soergel, R. W. Eason, and S. Mailis

Title: "Silicon photonics: some remaining challenges"

Authors: G. T. Reed, R. Topley, A. Z. Khokhar, D. J. Thompson, S. Stanković, S. Reynolds, X. Chen, N. Soper, C. J. Mitchell, Y. Hu, L. Shen, G. Martinez-Jimenez, N. Healy, S. Mailis, A. C. Peacock, M. Nedeljkovic, F. Y. Gardes, J. Soler Penades, C. Alonso-Ramos, A. Ortega-Monux, G. Wanguemert-Perez, I. Molina-Fernandez, P. Cheben, and G. Z. Mashanovich