Our Partners

in Polaritonics

An international research activity of state-of-the-art experimental laboratories
and theoretical modelling

The World of Polaritonics

Polaritonics is a growing field of research gathering various academic and industrial partners around the globe.

If you would like to add your research group to the map or report any errors, please contact Dr Brossard: m.brossard@skoltech.ru. Graphs according to Web of Science, searching for "(Cavity OR exciton) AND polariton*" in Topic, updated on 19/01/2022. Reproduction is allowed by request and with proper credits.

Academic collaborations

We collaborate with several leading international academic research groups with expertise both in the fabrication and characterisation of semiconductor microcavities and the theory of polariton condensates. 

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

University of Würzburg

St Petersburg State University & Russian Quantum Centre

University of Warsaw

Academic leads: Dr Jacek Szczytko & Dr Barbara Piętka

Industrial partners

We collaborate with several industries in the fields of photonics, materials, nano-fabrication and others.  

Cambridge Display Technology

Industry lead: Dr J. H. Burroughes CTO

Cambridge Display Technology Ltd

Helia Photonics

Industry lead: Dr Caspar Clark CTO

Helia Photonics

Funding partners

Our research are kindly supported by various national and supranational funding agencies.

European Commission, Horizon 2020

"Polariton Logic (POLLOC)", a collaborative project funded under the auspice of the Research and Innovation action of  the European Commission's Horizon 2020 program and aiming at developing all-optical photonic devices using organic polaritonics platform, jointly with IBM Zurich (Switzerland), ETH Zurich (Switzerland), CNRS (France) and AMO GMbH (Germany). Duration: 2020 to 2023. 

Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC, UK)

"Hybrid Polaritonics Programme Grant", an EPSRC supported consortium between leading academic institutions in the field of organic polaritonics and industrial partners (2015-2021), Investigators: Prof. Pavlos Lagoudakis (PI), Dr. Jonathan Killing, Prof. Graham Turnbull, Prof Sven Hoefling, Prof David Lidzey, Prof Ifor Samuel, Prof. Alexei Kavokin

Russian Foundation for Basic Research

"Hybrid organic-inorganic semiconductor polariton condensates and transistors", Jointly with Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)  (2020 - 2022), Principal Investigators: Prof. Pavlos Lagoudakis & Prof. Sven Höfling

"Vibron-polariton collective phases and lasing at room temperature" (2020 - 2022), Principal Investigator: Prof. Pavlos Lagoudakis

"Investigation of mechanisms of stochastic quantum vortices formation in a polariton condensate" (2020 - 2022), Principal Investigator: Kirill Sitnik

"Exciton-polariton Bose condensate spinors: coherence, density fluctuations, and photon statistics" (2020-2022), Principal Investigator: Stepan Baryshev

Russian Science Foundation 

“Realization and study of optically imprinted two-dimensional lattices of polariton condensates in inorganic microcavities”. (2021-2023), Principal Investigator: Dr. Sergey Alyatkin

"Spatially-selective synthesis of 2D materials" (2021-2024), Principal Investigator: Prof. Sakellaris Mailis

"Organic polaritonics: investigation of nonlinear interactions and quantum effects of Bose condensates of Frenkel exciton polaritons " (2020 - 2023), Principal Investigator: Dr. Anton Zasedatelev

"Realization of active optical devices on a chip based on polariton phenomena in organic materials" (2018 - 2020), Principal Investigator: Dr. Anton Zasedatelev